In our Tips & Tricks blog series we highlight many efficiency-boosting techniques. Here is another one designed to save time.
CaseWare Working Papers' document manager is a powerful tool that we have written about. The ability to drag & drop, sort, create placeholders and view sign-off/issues related to a given document, are just a few commonly used features that simplify and improve year/quarter/month end file preparation.
Adding 100+ supporting documents is great, but it can make it difficult to find particular documents later.
Fortunately, CaseWare gives us Filters to make this simple too! Filters allow you to hide those documents that are unnecessary at a given time. This ensures you see the information you need, exactly when you need it, without having to search through dozens of folders and hundreds of documents.
Some examples of great use cases for Filters:
Watch the video below to learn how to use and modify Filters in CaseWare’s document manager.